Friday, March 9, 2012

Circus Syzygy in Seattle

The last time I saw Ben Wendel and Rachel Nehmer was about 1-1/2 years ago at their beutiful tree house wedding just outside of Seattle. They've spent that time in Europe working on a new show with Circus Syzygy with Mick Holsbeke and Terry Crane.

Circus Syzygy is just finishing up a 5-week residence at Seattle's School of Acrobatics and New Circus Arts (SANCA) with a presentation of their show, Living Bridges. There are only three performances left (Saturday at 3 and 8 and Sunday at 8) before they head back to Europe. Do yourself a favor and get out to see the show if you can. Here are some photos to entice you to see the show...
Circus Syzygy Cast
Terry Crane
Ben and Rachel


Mick Holsbeke


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Modern Luv Photo Session

Mark Siano of Marxiano Productions in Seattle recently hired me to do some publicity photos for his show Modern Luv that will be opening on March 15 at the Triple Door theater. Find more information on the Modern Luv website.

Hillary, Madison, Kimberly, and Opal

I expected this session to be a bit of a challenge as we were going to have up to six actors in a shot in my small studio. But I knew that we could do it.

The lighting was a translucent v-flat to the left of the set providing a main light. This v-flat was 6 feet tall, made of one panel of white foam-core and the other panel of a tubular screen covered with a translucent film. There were two lamp heads in the flat bouncing off the white board and then firing through the translucent side like a giant soft box.

Fill light was another strobe head in a 11" reflector next to the camera. Background was white seamless paper with a white wall board as the floor for added durability. Those high heels weren't going to be very friendly to a paper floor!

Here is the final show poster, followed by additional photos of the cast:


David Swidler
Mark Siano
Opal Peachy
Kimberly Ann Durhan
Madison Greenlund
Hillary Gault

Can't wait to see the shows!